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I'm a business student. I write about a variety of topics that depict my skills perfectly. 

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How I got rid of acne in a month

How I got rid of acne in a month

Like 9.4% of the population in the world, I became a victim of a skin condition that made me despise my skin, starting in my teenage years.

After months of researching and trying out all different types of products and lifestyle changes, I finally came across the one that worked the best for me. It did wonders for my skin and helped me gain my confidence again. So I am here to tell you how you can do it too.

Acne is a skin condition where pores on your skin be

Why start meditating today?

Your mental health goes through a lot each day. If you do not care about your mental and emotional health, your whole being can suffer the toll.

Relax your mind and take a break. The best way to achieve that peace is through meditation. Here is how to start:

Cambridge’s Dictionary defines it as an act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed.

There are several ways you can meditate. For a beginner, I recommend followin

Aurat March

Aurat; عورت is the word for woman in Urdu and March is to move directly and purposefully. Every International Women’s Day, Women raise their voices for equality and freedom in Pakistan.

Women of different backgrounds, ethnicities, and classes come together to protest for their rights and for the issues to end. Through slogans and posters, Women raise their voices regarding various issues like violence directed towards women, equal rights of trans-women and harassment, and many more.

A women-le

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